Nanolux Paint

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Imagine a water base paint that is robust, environmental friendly, long lasting, offers high resistance to impact/abrasion, has high water repellency, is 99.99 per cent anti-fungal/bactericidal, 311 per cent elastometric (stretchable), offers high UV protection and above all home-grown. That is precisely what Nanolux paint has been able to accomplish using nanotechnology.


Nanolux paint coatings are purely water-based paint which are completely non-toxic and has no smell (low/zero volatile organic compounds) – making it an ideal choice when there are babies, pregnant women or people suffering from allergies or asthma in the house. Nanolux water base paints are 311% elastic. They not only anti-bacterial but also kill bacteria and are highly hydrophobic.

The Nanolux range also boasts of a wide variety of 366 colours and unlimited textures.

Conventional paints like Dulux, Berger, Sandtex and other coatings are made up of large molecules where water, dirt and other particles can leach into the gaps and erode the surface. Nano engineered paints are densely packed with robust molecules that act as a penetrative and functional barrier. Nanotechnology based paint is the chemical manipulation of functional paints and coatings at the molecular level to create highly resistant, longer lasting, and eco- friendly products.